Productos/ Aves y Ganado
Frozen Chicken Meat. Shipping worldwide
Frozen turkey and processed meat products
Whole frozen chicken without giblets, head, neck and feet, calibrated from 900 gr to 2000 gr.
Frozen chicken half breast, boneless/skinless produced from A grade chickens
Frozen chicken drumstick with skin and bone produced from A grade chickens
Frozen chicken thighs produced from A grade chickens with skin and bone.
Frozen chicken 3-joint (whole wings) wings produced from A grade chickens
Frozen chicken leg quarters produced from A grade chickens.
Our products meet EU standards.
ISO 22000:2010 and ISO 9001:2008.
Frozen Turkey, cuts, Shelf life 360 days, t -18 C
All products are produced and certificated following regulations of ISO:22000, ISO:9001, BRC, HALAL
Turkey carcass meat, Box weight,kg: 8,15, 30,34
Half of a turkey carcass, Box weight,kg:16
Turkey fillet meat, Box weight,kg: 5, 6, 10,12,15
Turkey leg quarter, Box weight,kg: 5, 6, 10,12,15
Turkey drumstick meat, Box weight,kg: 5,10,15
Turkey wing shoulder part,Turkey wing meat
Box weight,kg:5,6,10,12,15
Turkey liver offal,turkey heart offal,turkey neck, back
meat,turkey feet offal, Mechanical deboned turkey meat and Semi-finished products.
Turkey sausages: first and premium quality.
Shelf life15, 25 days, Box weight, kg: 10,11,13
Poultry meat processing products: Sausages, frozen semi-finished products made of chicken and turkey meat for the HoReCa and Fast Food industries

Frozen Beef Meat : carcasses and cuts
Frozen Beef
Origin: Ukraine, Argentina, USA, Australia, Brazil, Uruguay.
Wholesale supplies of high-quality beef around the world. All products are certified according to international standards.
During butchering, beef is first divided into primal cuts, pieces of meat initially separated from the carcass. These are basic sections from which steaks and other subdivisions are cut. Since the animal's legs and neck muscles do the most work, they are the toughest; the meat becomes more tender as distance from hoof and horn increases.Different countries and cuisines have different cuts and names, and sometimes use the same name for a different cut.
We offer for delivery various packaging of beef in carcasses and cuts with or without the bone, processed beef
Alimentación para aves y ganado
Alimentos para animales is comida dado a animales domesticos, especialmente ganado, en el curso de la cría de animales. Hay dos tipos básicos: forraje and forraje. Usada sola, la palabra feed se refiere más a menudo a forraje. La alimentación animal es un insumo importante para agricultura animal, y es frecuentemente el principal costo de la crianza o mantenimiento de animales. Las granjas generalmente intentan reducir el costo de este alimento cultivando los suyos propios, pasto animals, o complementar alimentos costosos con sustitutos, como Desechos alimentarios like grano gastado de la elaboración de cerveza.cultivado las aves alimentadas con alimentos comerciales para aves generalmente reciben alimentos premezclados muy específicos, diseñados científicamente. Ejemplos de alimentos comerciales para aves para pollos incluyen migas medicadas para iniciación de pollitos, migas para criadores de pollitos, puré de ponedoras, gránulos para ponedoras de huevos, migas para ponedoras de huevos, gránulos para productores de huevos y migas para caldereros.
Suministramos materias primas para la elaboración de piensos para aves, ganado y otros animales:
Grano forrajero de trigo, maíz, cebada, sorgo, mijo, pipas de girasol.
Harina y torta: soja, girasol, residuos de la producción de aceites vegetales, Ingredientes y aditivos para
piensos compuestos, y también realizamos entregas de materias primas bajo contrato.